Thursday, 3 April 2014

Life's Not So Bad, You Know...

'It's raining it's raining...', that's the weird version of Rebecca Black song crossing my mind right now. 

Its 4pm. And time's running out. Not in a way that life's going to come to an end or what but just that time is running out from the schedule I have made for myself today. 

So much for following a schedule. But the moment something external comes along the way to ruin your plan, suddenly you don't seem to have a Plan B. 

Because in a situation where you have the rain stopping you from keeping up to a schedule, having an umbrella would be plan B. But neither do I have an umbrella nor did I buy one. 

To answer why didn't I buy one, well it's because I didn't feel like it. It's really weird. I'm not sure if it's because of the cash I have to invest on an umbrella or plainly because I just don't feel like walking under the heavy rain. 

I also know that even if I did buy an umbrella and head to my destination which would take me about 15 minutes to reach, I am somehow still going to get wet in the rain. Just that the quantity might be little, considering with the protection above my head. 

So now, clueless on what I should do - just go or wait till the rain stops (and if I'm waiting, what do I do to kill the time?), I stand in the far corner near the ticketing kiosk, looking at everyone who comes out of the station, open up their umbrella and continue their journey.

I tried repeating my goal, not that I didn't. But I often add my own thoughts to it and the goal got distracted. 

And after that, a sudden realization hit me! Why don't I write to kill the time? 

So, that's what I did. But here's more! 

I thought why not try the SIEP technique to understand what I can learn from this situation. So here goes. 

S (Spiritually) - 'I need to accept the situation that is happening to me right now.' Which is the fact that i can't head home and continue with whatever i should be doing next (part of it is checking my mails and exercising). I can do it but it would just get slightly delayed. 

WOW! The rain slowed down! Okay. Let's continue.

I (Intellectually) - 'What am i supposed to learn from this?'
Hmmm. I may not be correct in this but I also may get a bigger learning later. Currently, I kind of like how it is now. 

I guess I'm just finding a reason to write and Nature has given me one. I've always liked to write somewhere different or maybe places where I can observe the surroundings. Instead of a closed, in a box kind of place. And guess what, that's what I've got. A half open space with people walking by, breeze from the rain that keeps the air chill, not too creepy quiet or not too loud and noisy so that my senses don't wonder around. 

Though I couldn't find a place to sit and I was actually standing while writing this (and also in a desperation to pee), this is indeed a nice experience that got me to write.

E (Emotionally) - 'Calming the emotions.'
Realizing the above got me calmer because the past 30 minutes that I've spent waiting for the rain to stop, I got to do something that i really love to do!

P (Physically) - 'Pointing the senses to yourself instead of the world outside.'
Guess I have been blaming the rain for occurring at the wrong time but who am I to blame the Nature right?! The fact that it has given me a beautiful opportunity to write which also makes me feel light and happy is pretty amazing. 

So for those of you (mostly everyone!) who have always been criticizing about almost anything or everyone around you, just take a moment to think. What opportunity has it given you? And you would be grateful just like how i feel right now.

Well, guess what? The rain just stopped! 

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