Sunday, 19 April 2015

The Fallen Wardrobe (Part 2)

Ever heard of the term, "Ask and you shall receive"? That is so damn true!

Remember that I asked this question, 'What am I supposed to learn from this?' from the whole fallen wardrobe situation?

I actually got the answer!

You see, different parts of the wardrobe needs to combine in order to form a complete wardrobe. But when it falls, everything just separates from one another. 

Let's start with the hanger railing in the wardrobe. The hanger railing was so confident that it could carry so much weight, that it became the main reason the wardrobe fell.

That is because of EGO! In the point of human being, when think that WE made things happen without appreciating the people who taught us (like a leader or mentor) or the base that gave us stability (Nature), we would definitely fall. 

The base of the wardrobe represents the base of everything. To think that we are mightier than Nature when everything is the workings of Nature, is just ego. And that's why we fall.

Also I find that the topper part of the wardrobe was detached too. And I realised it represented the person who guides us. For an example, when we fall and no longer focus on the lessons to be learnt, the person who guides us will eventually move away too.

But... realising this is no point if we can't find ways to put things back to how it was. 

So, as long as we respect Nature and go with its flow, we can build our self up and someone will be there to guide us.

And that actually starts with 

1. Setting a GOAL,
2. Repeating your GOAL, and
3. Working on your GOAL

Just to mention, the other lesson that I learnt from the fallen wardrobe scenario was to NEVER, I mean NEVER leave your Identity Card and driver's license in your jeans pocket, in your wardrobe and leave home. 

And what does that lead you to - A Fallen Wardrobe!

The Fallen Wardrobe (Part 1)

I'm going to make this into 2 Parts of the story cause it can be too long for a single post.

So, this is what happened.

A week back, my wardrobe toppled over my bed. It's not a wooden wardrobe. It's literally like the below picture of a wardrobe.
It used to be a fine wardrobe. But because I moved it around, something happened to its stability and it keeps toppling down. However, after a period of time, it was so stable, I thought things would forever remain that way.

Until, it toppled over AGAIN and I got super frustrated. 

It toppled over and I stared at the situation blankly, not knowing what to do. After a while, I moved on to do my other stuffs without bothering to fix it or put my clothes back. 

But I did do something else for sure. I did SIEP. 

*A quick one on SIEP. In any situation, whether good or bad, we should do SIEP (something that I learnt and still am learning from my mentor).

S - Accept the situation with understanding that Nature is trying to teach us something
I - Asking, 'What am I supposed to learn from this?', humbly
E - Emotions would be calmer as lessons matter more than anything else
P - Instead of looking at people's mistake, you would rather want to correct yourself

So, coming back to my story, though I asked the question, 'What am I supposed to learn from this?', I still took time to get my emotions calm. And when I was calmer and able to think straight, something magical happened!