Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Breaking Mind Blocks

Last Saturday was a very annoying and boring day. That's what I thought at first.

I helped out for the first day of a finance workshop organized by Globetrotter Consultancy Sdn Bhd (www.globetrotterconsultancy.com.my) on Understanding Investment.

I helped the Event Manager, Deelashiny from D'Chic Events (www.facebook.com/DChic-Events-252409214909996) and I was pretty distracted because I couldn't understand the flow of the workshop.

There was lots of questions running in my head as I did not understand currencies, the current state of the economy, technical terms in the finance line and etc.

It was getting to me and I was feeling annoyed with myself because I didn't understand a thing about the economy. I tried asking a question but the answer confused me even more. And because of that, I became shy to ask more questions. Especially when the rest of the Gen X's could comprehend every single thing the speaker, Elango Thiyagu (www.elangothiyagu.com) was saying.

My mind said, people are gonna mock your lame questions so better don't ask anything.

So throughout the day, to feel less frustrated that I did not understand the topic, I slept off during the workshop. To be exact, I took short naps during the workshop since there was not much to help out while the workshop was going on.

After the workshop, I had a chat with the speaker and I told him that I didn't understand the content of the workshop. He asked me, "Why didn't you ask if you did not understand?" I answered saying I didn't understand anything. I didn't even know what to ask. He said, "It couldn't be possible that you didn't understand anything. You just need to keep asking until you understand it."

I wasn't too sure why, but I was annoyed with the reply I got from him. 'Here I am telling you I do not understand anything, and you are telling me to ask until I understand it.' I didn't get the logic.

I became emo about that but after listening to my goals recording and doing SIEP multiple times, I snapped out of being emo.

Later that evening, when I met the speaker (also my mentor) for meeting, I had a chat once again about the earlier incident. He said, instead of saying don't know (which he said is a problem he found in the Gen Y's), it is more like I didn't wanna know about it. He said, "When you don't know something, you need to take the effort to find out." Especially if it's related to your goals.

This time, I could comprehend his words objectively. So I asked him a few questions about the economy. Asked him until I really understood his explanations and felt glad I asked.

I understood why the economy is not in a very good state which also motivates me to do my best so that it won't be an obstacle towards my goal.

Throughout this whole process, I also realized something about myself. The truth is, it's not that I didn't understand about the economy. It's actually a mind block which I created myself because I thought understanding the economy would be a hard thing to do.

And because I had that mind block, my mind repeatedly told me, I do not understand what the speaker is saying. At the same time, when I couldn't understand it and watching the Gen X's able to grasp this information, I started finding fault in them. Thoughts like this information is not necessary for me but necessary for the Gen X's who are more into money and properties, came across my mind.

I made this confession to Elango and also told myself, I need to take extra effort to break this mind block that I have. This time it's about the economy and finance. But it could also be about other things next time. If I don't take the effort to break these mind blocks, I would be enclosed to only my opinion and ideas even if someone else had an absolutely amazing idea that can help me grow.

So... I guess the first step to breaking mind blocks is acknowledging that you have one. 

Monday, 18 January 2016

Intimacy in Relationship

So I was thinking how intimacy and being truthful helps tremendously in a relationship.

Well, it definitely helps a lot but what does it mean by being truthful intimately in a relationship?

I'm a Gen-Y and being in this category, we are pretty well-known in changing partners quite often. I'm not saying I do that but that's majority of us, depending on the programming. But I came to understand the reason why we do this. It's because we are designed to experience things including relationships. And that's why we keep moving on from one relationship to the other, wanting to explore the true relationship that can lead to our growth.

But most of us get tied up in relationships we are not favorable with because of commitments. That's where the problem lies. Because when you stop looking for someone that can help you grow and vice versa, you lose a lot in life.

For most people, a relationship exist because the senses sees a cute guy or a hot women, the emotions goes like, 'OMG, I'm falling in love!', the intellect analyzes all the positive traits that person has and exaggerates those traits and finally the spirit goes, 'He's the One'.

So, how should a relationship be? What's it like to be in a relationship?

If you say fights, not really. Drama, nope. 

But more to conversations, I would say. But truthful conversation. Even about your most intimate things.

I talk about a lot of things with my partner. About our daily happenings to even our most intimate thoughts. Things we dislike, things we like while at the same time discovering new things about each other.

I've learned that if something bothers a person, we should express and rectify it before it grows into something nasty. And that's what we do. Even if we can't meet each other, there's always WhatsApp that comes to our rescue. We express it, do SIEP multiple times until we have cleared that issue out of our mind. 

We update each other on our progress when moving towards our goals. This in return, generates ideas for projects we work on.

So... you might be thinking. Where is the physical part? Well, physical relationship is nice. But there's way more better things than that.

Like hugging each other, having late night conversations, whispering sweet things in each other's ears and not forgetting, lots and lots of laughter's!

Sometimes, the simplest things that the other person does can bring a smile to me.

But not if you are constantly focusing on finding fault with the other person.

This is just my sharing on how SIEP relationship can be an awesome relationship!

Spirit - You feel a connection and you are curios to know a person better

Intellect - Have conversations (proper conversation about anything and everything) for 3 to 6 months continuously

Emotions - After having proper conversations for more than 6 months, then you can decide whether you would want to be emotionally involved with that person or not. Sometimes, you might just want to remain friends without taking it to the next stage. 

Physical - Please get a medical check-up, people! You wouldn't wanna risk your health or affect your partner with any health complications like STDs or etc. Be concern about each other's health conditions before pursuing further into the relationship.

* A relationship is meant for your growth. Who you choose to be by your side, determines your growth in discovering yourself.