Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Attention is Hazardous

Sometimes... attention can be a very dangerous thing. Oh wait! It's not sometimes, but all the time.

The need for attention just makes you crave for more and more attention without getting you to think if that attention is something necessary for you or not.

You see, the senses likes attention. It can be a concern or friendly type of attention but it can also be a sexual type of attention. And attention distracts you from your goals and leads you into a downwards cycle which is negative growth. Because attention gets you to be PEIS.

P - Physical senses looks at someone giving you the attention.

E - Feel important and you create an illusion of happiness.

I - You start believing that you should get more attention so that you can be happy.

S - You believe you are faithed to meet these people.

But here's a question. What happens if these attention is pulled away from you? What would you do?

For most people, they would crave for more. You may not even realize it but you would start gravitating to those who can give you more attention. Even if that person may distract you from your goals, that wouldn't matter to you because at that point of time, your senses would say, just do anything you can to keep that attention coming to you. Even if it means, losing yourself along the way.

Like a lot of us like having casual texts with the opposite gender though it has nothing related to our goal. Some stranger or a friend asking something as lame as "Have you eaten?", has got nothing to do with your goals.

Unless it is someone who's helping you with your growth, asking if you have eaten maybe because you were not very well for the past few days.

But other than that, that kind of random chats is what distracts you from your goals by heightening the attention seeking quality in you. This kind of conversations in turn would end up sooo long that you would feel like you know this person for ages. But let me tell you this, that belief is plain bullshit because as long as you want attention, you and that person can mask yourselves however you want so that you can continuously get more attention.

How do I know this? I've done this, of course!

But here's the thing, if I don't correct this kinda thoughts, I would end up getting the wrong kind of attention that interferes with my goals.

So, why wait till I get into trouble?

I'd rather switch to SIEP and get my senses under my control. I'm not there yet and that's why starting early is a better option.

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

What I Do...

I just graduated like a few days ago. So, yeah... Congratulations to me!!!

Yeay! Finally a graduate!

My Graduation Party with the awesome ET Ideas !!!

During my convocation, a few of them asked me what was I doing (as in my career) and about my event invitations that I frequently sent out through Facebook.

So, this blog is about what I do. 

When I was 21 (which is 4 years back), I met this amazing group of entrepreneurs called ET Ideas (www.ET-Ideas.com) and the person that guided them all, Elango Thiyagu (www.elangothiyagu.com).

I was fascinated with the things they do. Doing a career or a job they love and also bringing awareness to people about following their heart.

Meetings and events with the ET Ideas team
ET Ideas associates getting guidance from Elango Thiyagu on business and personal growth

For a year, I followed the group for almost every activity they organize. From becoming a participant, I took the initiative to learn and became part of the organizing team.

Meanwhile, I tried writing a book only to feel frustrated because I couldn't get the idea flowing. I stopped, spoke to my mentor - Elango (www.elangothiyagu.com), and started writing another book which didn't really work out as well.

This went on for a year. I was upset looking at others progressing in their career when I didn't move much.

But I didn't realize I was learning about patience. If I did leave the group because nothing much was happening to me, then I wouldn't have the opportunity of discovering some of the best things in my life.

At the end of that year, my mentor suggested an idea to host a live discussion program called ET Youth (www.facebook.com/ETYouth). Its main concept is to get the younger generation to do what they love by following their heart.

It has been more than 3 years since I started hosting ET Youth (www.facebook.com/ETYouth). The number of guest keeps increasing. Some of the regulars who kept coming since the time we begin ET Youth became ET Ideas associates (www.ET-Ideas.com). Most of them are happy to follow their heart and are now on their journey to success.

Having fun hosting ET Youth with guest speaker
Wefie with the crazy audience of ET Youth !

To my dear friends, ET Youth is the event I frequently invite you guys for. After all, it is a FREE event that many have benefited from. And since I have changed and benefited from it, I invite you guys to break out of the system and follow your dreams too. Especially to do something you love to do and not be confined to what society tells you to do.

And so, ET Youth kick-started my career to many other things!

One of it is called the Corporate Video Brochure. My company, Clicking Pens  (www.ClickingPens.com) collaborates with a production company, Why Not Productions, to produce a marketing tool to promote client's products and services. From script writing, coming out with storyboards, camera angles, interviewing company CEO's to getting testimonials about their products and services is part of what I do to produce the Corporate Video Brochure.

Working on client's Corporate Video Brochure. Never knew it would be so much fun !

Recently, I am grateful to have more people in my team to help out in my projects which is also a learning curve for them.

So, what else do I do? Here's my latest project that my team and I are working on. ONLINE RADIO!!! It's as interesting as my excitement shows about it. I have not much knowledge about it but I also think, that's the best part. As long as your heart is into it, you wouldn't mind discovering things along the way.

Online radio interviews and advertisement making. A whole new experience and looking forward to more of it !
Oh yeah! My writing career is also progressing through this blog!

Well... I'm proud to say that every projects that I'm working on under my company, Clicking Pens (www.ClickingPens.com), is all related to what I've studied before (Mass Communication and Journalism). I'm not trying to brag here, but that's also the reason why I got a 3.98 CGPA in my degree. Plainly because if you study what you love and apply it in the real life, I'm pretty sure you would excel like me too.

So... here's to those curious about what I do. And I have to say, I'm enjoying every bit of it. 

P.S. I ensure that you too can do what you love to do as a career. You just need have the guts to take the step towards it!